
A better Roscón adapted from Martín Berasategui

We adapted a more traditional Spanish version of the Roscón de Reyes to make individual buns. The great Basque chef Martín Berasategui perfumes his roscón with lemon zest, cinnamon, orange blossom and a fragrant spirit. The aromas when cooked are rich, buttery and intensely scented. The dough is also softer and less bready than our last recipe.

As an interesting twist, we propose a fusion of Sicilian’s brioche e granita with an individual roscón bun and a hazelnut ice cream from Grom.

A better Roscón adapted from Martín Berasategui

Course: Breakfast, Fika, DessertCuisine: SpanishDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




  • The day before
  • For the poolish
  • 100g bread flour

  • 60ml warm milk (next time infuse with cinnamon and peel and for longer)

  • 2g yeast

  • Candied kumquats
  • 6-7 kumquats, cut crosswise 2-3mm

  • 100g sugar

  • 100g water

  • Next day
  • For the dough
  • 162g poolish

  • 330g bread flour

  • 60ml milk infused with cinnamon and orange peel

  • 2 eggs

  • 80g golden caster sugar

  • 30ml honey

  • 110g unsalted butter

  • 5g dry yeast

  • 3tsp Grand Marnier

  • 2tsp orange blossom water

  • Zest of half a lemon

  • 5g salt

  • Egg wash
  • 1 egg yolk

  • 1tbsp milk

  • Pinch of salt

  • The cookie topping
  • 40g unsalted butter

  • 40g bread flour

  • 40g golden caster sugar


  • Poolish
  • Mix everything together until pliable.
  • Ferment 30min at room temperature and then overnight in the fridge. Alternatively, if you forgot to prepare it in advance, follow 3h at room temperature and 2h in the fridge.
  • Candied kumquats
  • Bring to boil water with sugar. Add the slices of kumquats and cook until the mixture reaches 110C and continue until the fruit becomes translucent (about 4min).
  • Fish out the kumquats and place them on a wire rack. Let them dry at room temperature for 12h at least.
  • The cookie topping
  • Combine all the ingredients together until the dough is homogenous.
  • Roll the dough on a flat surface into a thin rectangle.
  • Cover the dough tightly with cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour at least.
  • Roll the dough between two sheets of baking parchment or plastic zip bag until the thickness is 1-2mm. Using a cookie cutter, cut out 6 discs. Refrigerate.
  • Preparation of the Roscón de Reyes
  • Mix all the ingredients excerpt sugar and butter until pliable (it will be quite tough) for about 5-7min. Then add the sugar in two batches and knead until the sugar is fully incorporated (for about 6min, it should ‘melt’ into the dough).
  • Then add the cold butter cut into small pieces (easier to incorporate).
  • Knead on a working surface until the butter is incorporated.
  • The dough will become very wet, try to scrape whatever sticks to the surface.
  • It should take about 10-15min for the dough to become pliable (until full gluten development).
  • The dough should be elastic but still a bit sticky.
  • Place the dough in a bowl and cover tightly with a cling film.
  • Ferment for 2h at room temperature. Divide the dough equally into 6 buns (approximately 145g each) or shape 1 large Roscon.
  • Place the buns on a baking tray lined up with paper parchment. Cover with cling film.
  • If you bake your buns the same day, prove the buns at room temperature for 2 to 3h.
  • If you bake them for breakfast, place the buns in the fridge up to 12h.
  • Preheat the oven to 180C. Brush the buns with the egg wash, place the cookie on the top. Bake the buns for 22min, until golden.
  • For the ultimate breakfast: get hazelnut gelato and serve with a nice filter coffee.

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